Monday, March 23, 2009

My Friend Walter is in Jail!


OAKLAND, Calif.: Today the Rev. Walter Hoye of Berkeley, California, was ordered to serve 30 days in county jail by Judge Stuart Hing of the Alameda Superior Court. Rev. Hoye had been found guilty on January 15, 2009, of unlawfully approaching two persons entering an abortion clinic in Oakland. Judge Hing had also ordered him to stay one hundred yards away from the abortion clinic for three years. However, Rev. Hoye refused this term of probation and would not agree to a stay-away order. Therefore, the judge denied the defense motion to stay the sentence pending appeal. Mr. Hoye was taken into custody from the courtroom. (click her for more)

Last week, I walked the halls of congress with Rev.Hoye. We met with pro-life congressmen who prayed for him and congressional black caucus members who did nothing for him. It is a shame that the CBC brags about being the conscience of the congress but its current leader Barbara Lee (who represents the district of Rev. Hoye's church) would not even return his calls. I personally went to her office with Walter Hoyes wife. Her staff scarcely acknowledged us and never got back to us.

Every minister in the nation should be outraged. Every defender of free speech should be concernced. When a person's first amendment rights are not guarenteed. We all should decry, "a threat to justice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." MLK


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Dean in New Hampshire

Recently I visited New Hampshire to teach a class for Teenpact. Some parts of the state had 18 inches of snow. It is my greatest pleasure to teach and train young committed believers biblical world view, servant leadership and show them how government works at the state level. It was my second trip to the granite state and my first to the state house in Concord.
While there I also met with Democrat and Republican leaders regarding the new push for same sex marriage legislation. Many of the Democrats seemed to be fooled when they agreed to grant civil unions to the activist who pledged that they wanted nothing more. Now the very next session the same activists are not satisfied. They are demanding full marriage rights. Let us pray to God, stand for truth and love our neighbor.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Pro-Life Democrat Joins Republican in Standing for Life

Contact your Congressman and tell him to protect pro-life riders in upcoming appropriations bills.

click here

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Mr. Lincoln

On January 20 after the swearing in of President Obama. I visited the National Portrait Gallery's exhibit, "The Mask of Lincoln." While there I had the opportunity to re-read some of President Lincoln's speeches and letters. A remarkable man during turbulent time. Our country should be proud of such a great president. Here are some of his words that still have great importance for our country today.

"You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot help small men by tearing down big men.
You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.
You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than your income.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
You cannot establish security on borrowed money.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away
A man's incentive and independence.
You cannot help men permanently by doing for them
What they could and should do themselves."

Abraham Lincoln

Monday, February 9, 2009

You can Keep the Faith(based) Plan

President Barack Obama last week unveiled his version of the Faith-base plan. After repeated promises during his campaign to reduce abortions in his administration, he has not come up with any concrete plans to do so. In fact after rescinding the Mexico City policy (preventing overseas dollars for abortion) and a pork filled stimulus package, Obama's Faith-base plan calls for more "Family Planning". This is the same old sorry babble we always hear from secular leftist that take tax dollars to fund programs that only provide incentives for risky sexual behavior. It has been over forty years of so called comprehensive sex education that has brought us higher abortion rates, unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases in urban areas where they really need traditional family structures and moral guidance.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Pro-Life African American Heads GOP

What a way to start Black History Month. The Grand Old Party, founded in part for the Abolition of Slavery now has an African American as its Chairman. More than just a party leader Michael Steele is a conservative Christian (Catholic) who served as a pro-life Lt. Governor of Maryland and ran as a pro-life senatorial candidate in 2006. What I like most about Mr. Steele is that even-though he has always been a man of faith and principle, he knows how to connect with those who may differ from him ideologically.
As I watched all six rounds of balloting at the Capital Hilton, I saw Whites, Blacks, Latinos and Asians gleam with excitement as he took to the stage. My prayer is that he inspires more Americans to embrace traditional role of limited government and becomes a vocal advocate for the unborn.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Republicans honor Black Pro-life Leaders

Pro-Life Republicans the day after President Obama took office, hosted a bipartisan group of African Americans who are fighting for the unborn. According to the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, 57% of African Americans believe abortion should be illegal in all or most cases. However, almost all of the congressional black caucus members have a 0% rating form the National Right to life. From more information check out

Congressmen attending the reception (not all pictured)

1. Paul Broun (GA- 10)

2. Anh “Joseph” Cao (LA-2)

3. Mary Fallin (OK-5)

4. Trent Franks (AZ-2)

5. Gregg Harper (MS-3)

6. Jim Jordan (OH-4)

7. John Kline (MN-2)

8. Bob Latta (OH-5)

9. Dan Lungren (CA-3)

10. Thaddeus McCotter (MI-11)

11. John Mica (FL-7)

12. Pete Olson (TX-22)

13. Mike Pence (IN-6)

14. Jean Schmidt (OH-2)

15. Mark Souder (IN-3)

16. Chris Smith (NJ-4)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Praying for our President and our Nation

Yesterday, I along with an estimated two million people, attended the inauguration of our new president Barack Obama. I have committed myself to praying for him and for our nation. As I thought about it, I concluded that there are at least three biblical reasons why the Christian community and in particular the African American Christian community should pray.
  1. Proverbs 21:1 tells us that the king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will . Throughout history God has moved on leaders hearts causing them to make decisions that seemed to be counter intuitive.
  2. 1 Timothy 2:1 instructs Christians, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.This is good, and pleases God our Savior who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. We should pray for our new president because all authority is ordained of God. And God moves in the affairs of men. If we want a nation of peace part of our responsibility is to pray for it.
  3. Luke 6:27 says pray for them which despitefully use you. Yes, OK I said it. Politicians use people and Obama in particular has used black preachers like many other politicians. I can cite at least three cases. Jeremiah Wright is the most obvious "Christian casualty". Obama named his book Audacity of Hope after one of Wright's messages, he gave the now famous speech on race where he said he could not deny Rev. Wright's role in his life. When he became too much of a political liability he then throws the old man under the bus. But he also despitefully used minister Donnie McClurkin also when he hired him to do music on his campaign tour in South Carolina. When the gay community decided that they did not like Donnie's Christian testimony of deliverance from homosexuality, our president sided with homosexuals and said he strongly disagrees with McClurkin and then brings a gay preacher on tour to appease the sodomites. Lastly, my dear friend and respected pro-life pastor Dr. Johnny Hunter was chided, scorned and near cursed out by the then Senator from Illinois for simply trying to meet with him to encourage him to reconsider his position on abortion. Obama eventually sent an apology through another pastor he knew.
I am afraid I don't share the same level of enthusiasm about President Obama and his liberalism, mostly because of the terrible effects of liberal policies on America in general and the black community in particular. Most of us don't know that black income rose more sharply in the two decades before Lyndon Johnson's Great Society programs than it did afterward? Yet many white liberals claim to be the source of all black progress. Before welfare, over 70% of black babies were born to married parents. After four decades of the government paying young women not to marry the fathers of their children, over 70% are born out of wedlock. Andrew Cherlin, a sociologist at Johns Hopkins, determined that black children were actually more likely to be raised by both parents during slavery than they are today. This fatherlessness has wrought untold misery on millions.

I think one of the greatest mistakes socialists and liberals make is assuming that good intentions make good policy. The moment we try to make the government do what God says the family must do (the government supplanting the black man as provider for his family, for example), we begin to bring curses, not blessings on those we try to help. Raising the minimum wage sounds compassionate, but it leads to higher unemployment among the least skilled and educated. Countries with socialized medicine have "free medical care" but they also have months-long waiting lists to see a doctor. All the good intentions end up hurting those they presume to help. After years of counseling fatherless boys, deadbeat dads and the like who have been ravaged by these policies, I have concluded that the government must get out of the pastoring and fathering business.

As for Obama, I'm sorry to say that the more I read of his policies, the more I felt that he would be a bad choice for our leader. His feel-good promises only thinly disguise the same government-centered strategies which have weakened the family and church. I campaigned for the opposition. Of course now that he is the president, I will pray for him and wish him well. However, if he pushes through half the legislation he has promised to sign, it will be a terrible thing for our country, especially for the most vulnerable among us.


Saturday, January 10, 2009

Conservative Bluedog Democrats to the back of the bus!

Pelosi Turns Back The Clock On House Reform
Moderate Democrats will be frozen out.
The Wall Street Journal
By John Fund
January 9, 2009
Every two years the leadership of the U.S. House of Representatives introduces a new set of rules
to govern the body. Normally, this event passes with barely a yawn from the public. But the
changes pushed through on Tuesday by Democrats will have real-world consequences for fiscal
conservatives of both parties.
Gone are term limits for committee chairmen, a big comeback for seniority over merit. Cost
containment measures on Medicare, one of the fastest growing programs, are simply suspended
for this Congress.
Tax increases now will be easier to pass, because opponents will not be allowed to offer a simple
motion to strike any increase without making up for the "lost revenue." In addition, tax cuts are
made more difficult, because they cannot be offset with spending cuts. The new rules will mean
that the only way to push for a tax cut will be to propose a tax increase elsewhere.
Democratic leaders said these changes were needed to make the legislative train run faster.
"Congress has to accomplish things," said Massachusetts Rep. Jim McGovern of the Rules
Committee. "This is designed to help us do just that."
To further grease the wheels, Democrats have also emasculated the "motion to recommit" -- a
procedural safeguard first given to the minority a century ago after a rebellion against tyrannical
GOP Speaker Joe Cannon. It has been used by both parties to offer motions to "recommit" or send back bills on the floor to the relevant committees.
John Fund (click to read full column)

NPAC members kick year off recruiting young professionals

Thursday, January 8th, NPAC members gathered with Sen. Janet Greenup (R-MD) at Maryland GOP event in Anne Arundle county. NPAC as a nonpartisan ministry organization encourages and trains Christians to be involved in all parties to hold candidates accountable.

"The people are responsible for the character of their congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness and corruption. If it be intelligetn, brave and pure, it is because the people demand these high qualities... If the next centennial does not find us a great nation... it will be because those who represent the enterprise, the culture, and the morality of the nation do not aid in controlling the political forces.

Rev. James Garfield (1831-1881)
United States President

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

NPAC Executive Director Meets with RNC Chairman Candidates

Monday, January 5, I attended the first RNC Chairmanship Debate sponsored by Americans for Tax Reform. A good field of candidates in an anxious room of Republicans wanting to hear which GOP leader had the right message to lead the party of Douglass, Lincoln and Reagan out of despair and defeat. From a sampling of interviews I did, this is what I heard people saying about the following candidates.
  1. Saul Anuzis-Great life story, seems to understand the need and has the ability to outreach but how many Republicans, including committee members know who he is?
  2. Ken Blackwell-Hands down the most impressive resume, strong conservative, has support from the establishment but can he bring in new recruits?
  3. Katon Daswson-Communicates well, had real success in South Carolina but can South Carolina success be transmitted to the rest of the US?
  4. Mike Duncan-As the current GOP leader, he is supported by many. He presented good information, however, the elephant in the living room (no pun intended) "Our team keeps losing coach. "
  5. Chip Saltzman-Communicated plans well, helped Mike Huckabee, but his judgment about the "Magic Negro" may have put his head in a nuse.
  6. Michael Steele-Had the hometown crowd excited, showed the most energy in speaking to the audience, but has his work with GoPac done enough to convince the committee folk?