Monday, March 23, 2009

My Friend Walter is in Jail!


OAKLAND, Calif.: Today the Rev. Walter Hoye of Berkeley, California, was ordered to serve 30 days in county jail by Judge Stuart Hing of the Alameda Superior Court. Rev. Hoye had been found guilty on January 15, 2009, of unlawfully approaching two persons entering an abortion clinic in Oakland. Judge Hing had also ordered him to stay one hundred yards away from the abortion clinic for three years. However, Rev. Hoye refused this term of probation and would not agree to a stay-away order. Therefore, the judge denied the defense motion to stay the sentence pending appeal. Mr. Hoye was taken into custody from the courtroom. (click her for more)

Last week, I walked the halls of congress with Rev.Hoye. We met with pro-life congressmen who prayed for him and congressional black caucus members who did nothing for him. It is a shame that the CBC brags about being the conscience of the congress but its current leader Barbara Lee (who represents the district of Rev. Hoye's church) would not even return his calls. I personally went to her office with Walter Hoyes wife. Her staff scarcely acknowledged us and never got back to us.

Every minister in the nation should be outraged. Every defender of free speech should be concernced. When a person's first amendment rights are not guarenteed. We all should decry, "a threat to justice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." MLK


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Dean in New Hampshire

Recently I visited New Hampshire to teach a class for Teenpact. Some parts of the state had 18 inches of snow. It is my greatest pleasure to teach and train young committed believers biblical world view, servant leadership and show them how government works at the state level. It was my second trip to the granite state and my first to the state house in Concord.
While there I also met with Democrat and Republican leaders regarding the new push for same sex marriage legislation. Many of the Democrats seemed to be fooled when they agreed to grant civil unions to the activist who pledged that they wanted nothing more. Now the very next session the same activists are not satisfied. They are demanding full marriage rights. Let us pray to God, stand for truth and love our neighbor.